dangerous substances and explosive atmospheres

​Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR)

The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR) require employers to eliminate or reduce, as far as is reasonably practicable, the risks of explosion.

What are dangerous substances?

Dangerous substances are any substances used or present at work that could, if not properly controlled, cause harm to people as a result of a fire or explosion or corrosion of metal. They can be found in nearly all workplaces and include solvents, paints, varnishes, flammable gases, such as liquid petroleum gas (LPG), dusts from machining and sanding operations, dusts from foodstuffs, pressurised gases and substances corrosive to metal.

DSEAR key requirements

The main requirement of DSEAR is that employers control the risks to people’s safety from fire and explosions whilst at work.

DSEAR requires employers to:

  • Identify dangerous substances and the risks of fire and explosion.
  • Remove, mitigate or control those risks.
  • Provide information and training.
  • Identify and classify areas of the workplace where explosive atmospheres may occur and avoid ignition sources, for example from unprotected equipment, in those areas.

DSEAR training

We offer specialist DSEAR training courses, delivered by industry experts, for anyone working with oxidising or flammable chemicals. Our training courses provide an introduction to the regulations and an explanation of the health and safety responsibilities of employers and employees. As well as equipping staff to feel competent carrying out and documenting a risk assessment and implementing suitable control measures to mitigate the identified risks.